St. Petersburg in December


Are you now wondering where to go to rest in December? Choosing the most interesting route? Want to see the most beautiful city in Russia? You will find yourself in an atmosphere of majestic architecture and visually feel the spirit of the past centuries. An unforgettable experience will give you a vacation in St. Petersburg in December. The city, founded by the reformer king as a "window to Europe", is truly European. Cobbled streets, canals, luxurious palaces - you will feel like you are in Holland or Venice. A rich cultural program will bring great aesthetic pleasure.

December weather

The first winter month in St. Petersburg is characterized by inconstancy of weather phenomena. Sometimes spring, autumn and winter meet here at the same time. Strong winds can bring heavy clouds, and fluffy snowflakes swirl in the air. Then suddenly it will rain, and then it will freeze and the bright sun will come out. And then the quiet snowfall will begin again. But there are practically no severe frosts here in December. The best outfit for tourists this season is a waterproof down jacket and shoes with thick soles.

Daytime temperatures range from 0 to -5 ° C. At night, on some days, the frost reaches -7 ° C. Long-term precipitation in 2020 is not expected, but even over the forecasted 3 days there will be enough of them. You need to be prepared for the fact that the December day here is very short (6 hours) But walking in the evening Petersburg, colored with garlands of illumination, is even more interesting than during the day. The feeling of a fairy tale will not leave the entire period of your stay in the northern capital.


Visiting parks is a special article in tourist routes around the city. They began to be created together with the founding of St. Petersburg. Along with the old park areas, new islands of recreation and culture are constantly opening up here. The most famous park space, the Field of Mars, is the same age as the city. On the territory of 9 hectares, military exercises and parades, folk festivals were held.

Nearby there is a monument to Suvorov, depicted in the form of the God of War, Mars. Here, where important events of the country are embodied, there is something to see at any time of the year. A walk through the Elaginsky Park will give you the opportunity to see the former royal residence, visit a museum, a zoo. The most vivid impressions will be given by a visit to the Alexander Park, located near the Peter and Paul Fortress. On its open spaces there is a planetarium, a wax museum, a musical hall, etc.

The unsurpassed beauty of the Alexander Garden (near the Admiralty) will delight you. The famous Summer Garden, the oldest St. Petersburg park, with graceful marble sculptures, the Summer Palace, and fountains will enchant you with winter beauty. Each park area is good in its own way.

Skating rinks

A place of mass entertainment - open and closed skating rinks gather a huge number of people of different ages. You can try yourself as a skater or figure skater on one of the city's ice arenas. There are enough of them here: in recent years, it has become especially fashionable to open new skating rinks in St. Petersburg. You will experience real pleasure at the Okhta Park forest skating rink, where ice tracks stretch among the pine forest.

A tea house, a pizza bar, a cafe-bistro, a restaurant - everything is available to visitors from 11 to 21 hours. A charge of cheerfulness and a lot of positive emotions await you at the ice arena of the Kirovets stadium. In addition to sliding on ice, it will offer contests, games, performances. You can combine sports skiing with amusement rides at the skating rink in Gagarin Park.

The extraordinary atmosphere created at the skating rink of New Holland Island will capture the imagination and leave an unforgettable experience. A visit to the Planet of Summer amusement park will not disappoint. You will certainly like a wooden tower-snow slide, a cozy cafe with a fireplace and an ice rink. Any of the ice rinks has its own advantages.


In terms of the number and variety of museums (over 200), the brainchild of Peter the Great can compete with famous European capitals. The famous Hermitage, the richest repository of art objects, will acquaint you with the artistic masterpieces of the world. It is impossible to see all 3 million exhibits, but you can see the pearls of the collection.

A visit to the Russian Museum, which exhibits works of Russian fine art (400 thousand exhibits), will be impressive.A visit to the ethnographic museum, introducing the customs, traditions and culture of the Russian people and the countries of Central Asia, will be impressive. Thrill-seekers should visit the Kunstkamera.

The museums of the northern capital will satisfy a variety of tastes and interests. If you are interested in the Far North, head to the Arctic and Antarctic Museum. Love everything mysterious, inexplicable - visit the Sigmund Freud Dream Museum or the Museum of Illusions. You will learn about the feat of the legendary submariners under the command of Marinesko in the Museum of Russian Submarine Forces.

Aesthetes will love the exposition of the institution, which illustrates theatrical and musical arts. It is a holy cause in a city that has undergone a heroic defense and a terrible blockade, to visit the institution of the same name. The choice is huge and no museum object will disappoint you.

Interesting places

In addition to traditional cultural and educational institutions, "Venice of the North" is rich in unusual interesting places. There are more than 200 of them, according to statistics. Some of them intrigue with mystical mystery, surprise with reality on the verge of fantasy, amaze the imagination with the originality of the concept or digital capabilities. The picturesque corners of St. Petersburg open up on excursions from local residents.

The space of a big city can be explored endlessly. In December, you can visit the exhibition Garden of Dreams 2.0 Mystical Worlds. On Vasilievsky Island (Lenexpo), a visit to the interactive multimedia journey "Secrets of the Universe" will be extremely interesting. In the Museum of Untruth (Sennaya Square) you can see the most amazing exhibits in the world and get acquainted with an unofficial view of many phenomena.

An incredible experience and sensations await at the KOD Time Travel Center. On a clear fine day, a trip along the rooftops of St. Petersburg, accompanied by a guide, will be a great pleasure. The planetarium, the Museum of Emotions, the Hyper Port art space, the greenhouse of the Tauride Garden and much more will not leave you indifferent.

Petersburg roofs

A breathtaking panorama will open to you on a non-standard journey across the endless space of St. Petersburg rooftops. They offer stunning views of the golden domes and spiers of cathedrals, bridges and palaces. Since 2017, the tourist project "Accessible Roofs" has gained great popularity. The viewing platforms of the Peter and Paul Fortress and St. Isaac's Cathedral, where access is quite legal, are of particular interest.

But there are also mysterious trails that can only be traversed with an experienced guide. These are the roofs of residential buildings, under which many secrets are hidden. During a tour of the high-altitude labyrinths, you can hear a detailed history of the evolution of roofs during the existence of the city. On some roofs, there are still turrets of the Air Defense Forces - observation posts of the local air defense (there are about 165 of them).

Before the voyage on the roofs, tourists are given disposable hats and helmets, bactericidal wipes, binoculars and rain capes in case of precipitation. It has become fashionable to be photographed on the rooftops not only for tourists, but also for newlyweds. Tea drinking on the rooftops, observation of drawbridges, and festive fireworks have become a traditional program.

Vasilievsky Island

As Paris is unthinkable without the Champs Elysees, so St. Petersburg is without Vasilievsky Island.This is the largest of the islands of the Neva delta, formerly called Preobrazhensky. The current name of the island in honor of Vasily Seleznya, the Novgorod mayor who owns it, arose in the 16th century. Architectural development and improvement of these places began from the moment of the founding of St. Petersburg.

Planning to establish the center of the capital in this place, Peter I attracted famous architects and sculptors (Leblon, Trezzini). A Menshikov's palace was built here, from which a clearing led to the shore of the Baltic Sea. Today it is Bolshoy prospect, there are Sredny and Small avenues. Once along them canals were dug, later dried up and covered with earth.

Here is the St. Petersburg State University, the Academy of Arts, the Mining Institute, the House of Academicians. Each of these buildings is an architectural masterpiece. Near the building of the "Twelve Collegia" there is a monument to Lomonosov, and in front of the Naval Cadet Corps stands a bronze figure of Kruzenshtern. The stone figures of the sphinxes near the Academy of Arts are impressive. You will admire the majestic architecture of the Lutheran Church of St. Catherine. Walking along Vasilievsky Island - immersion in the Beautiful.

Aptekarsky Island

Located between 3 rivers, the island was named so because there was a pharmaceutical garden on it under Peter I. Later, country estates were built here, and the Pharmaceutical Garden became the Imperial Botanical Garden. Today it is the main attraction of the island, striking in the richness of its floristic collection. Almost all types of exotic trees and plants are grown in greenhouses.

In them you will see flowering or already fruiting mangoes, feijoa, all types of citrus fruits. In fact, the Pharmaceutical Garden is a beautiful area with many architectural monuments and bridges. Here, in addition to residential buildings and summer cottages, there are government institutions, the Women's Ioannovsky Monastery, etc. The magnificent architecture of the Youth Palace, the Electrotechnical University, and the Druzhba Hotel attracts attention.

Undoubted masterpieces of architecture and historical monuments - Gauswald's dacha "Gingerbread House", the Beloselsky-Belozersky dacha, etc. Traditionally, tourists visit local museums: toys, gramophones and phonographs, dreams, etc. How not to look up close at the legendary cruiser "Aurora", do not admire the 7 bridges across the river. Karpovka.

New Holland

A visit to New Holland, the territory of 2 man-made islands in the Neva delta, will be an interesting excursion into the past and present of this beautiful city. This unique area embodied the greatness of Peter's reforms and the scale of modern transformations. In Peter's time Holland was called the area with timber warehouses around the Admiralty: Dutch shipbuilders worked there. Later, the timber warehouses were moved to the island formed by 2 dug canals and the Moika.

Peter gave it the name "New Holland". In the following centuries, there was an active industrial construction under the guidance of the best foreign engineers and architects. Nowadays, they strive to breathe new active life into the old walls. This area is a monument today - the focus of industrial architecture in the spirit of early classicism.

Many buildings have lost their former purpose due to the cessation of production. Some objects were badly damaged by the fire in 2004. Among the rare buildings, 11 of them are monuments of federal significance. New Holland Island has become a public place since 2011.

The area has become a large cultural center with many cafes, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. Every year it is gaining great popularity. Concerts, exhibitions, sports competitions are held here at any time of the year. The spacious skating rink is open from November to March.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

A place of tourist pilgrimage - a majestic Orthodox church makes an amazing impression. The main Cathedral of St. Petersburg, which has been built for 40 years, embodied in its appearance the grandiose work of thousands of builders, architects, sculptors and artists. The main architect - Auguste Montferrand died shortly after the completion of construction. Dozens of legends keep the walls of Isaac, his beauty makes you die with admiration.

Lined with Olonets marble, decorated with hundreds of bas-reliefs and monuments, the cathedral is a unique example of religious architecture in Russia. St. Isaac's Cathedral is now not just an object of religious activities, but a repository of unsurpassed artistic masterpieces. Its interiors are decorated with 150 paintings by Bruni, Bryullov, Shebuev. 300 unique monuments and bas-reliefs by Ivan Vitali are also worthy of being called classics.

100 kg of gold was spent on gilding the cathedral domes. There is information that the process was carried out with the use of mercury, which resulted in the death of the gilding masters. All statistics on the costs of the construction of the cathedral are amazing. After examining it, there is a feeling of gratitude and admiration for those who laid down their lives on an architectural miracle.

Peter-Pavel's Fortress

One of the main symbols of the city is the first construction of the nascent city. It is not for nothing that the day when the first stone was laid in the foundation of St. Petersburg (as the fortress was called at first) is considered the day of the founding of Northern Palmyra (May 16, 1703). The defensive fort from the Swedes was built on the bones of thousands of peasants driven from the surrounding villages. But the fortress did not have to check its military impregnability.

Its gloomy casemates and ravelins later became a prison for political prisoners for 200 years. The fortress lost this purpose under Emperor Alexander I, when it was opened for public visits. The main object of the fortress is the Peter and Paul Cathedral - a kind of emblem of the city is familiar to many from photos and postcards. Today this architectural monument houses a museum. The high spire of the cathedral with a cross and a figure of an angel is decorated with gilding (8 kg of pure gold).

Your attention will be attracted by a monumental structure - the Petrovsky gate - the central entrance, decorated with bas-reliefs, among which is the image of St. Peter. Military objects reflecting the history of Russian fortification are also interesting: curtains, ramparts, bastions. Traditional sightseeing objects - Mint, Prison, local museums. A host of legends and myths associated with the former inhabitants of the ravelins will touch the spiritual strings.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

In the historic center, the towering domes of the temple, delighting with their bright colors, draw attention to themselves. They contrast with the classical architecture of the neighboring buildings and seem out of place. A weighty reason for the construction of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in this place was the regicide of Alexander II the Liberator.

The amazingly beautiful building was laid in 1883, and the consecration took place in 1907. For more than 10 years, finishing work took place, in which the best architects took part. Externally, the architectural masterpiece resembles St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square. You can endlessly admire the facades decorated with many tiles, platbands, kokoshniks and other elements. In the decoration of the interiors, the craftsmen used Ural gems, marble of different shades, rock crystal, jasper.

It is impossible not to admire the mosaic panels above the entrances, created according to sketches by Nesterov, Vasnetsov, Bruni and others. You will be impressed by the design of the sacred murder site - a piece of cobblestone pavement covered with thick glass. And above it, on columns of jasper, a tent made of rock crystal, covered from the inside with topaz stars. You will definitely feel a sense of pride in front of the talent of Russian masters.

Kazan Cathedral

If it seems to you that nothing can shake your imagination, then you will be mistaken when you find yourself at the majestic colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral. The largest church in St. Petersburg - Kazan Cathedral was opened on Nevsky Prospekt in 1811.The monumental structure, erected on the site of the former Kazan temple, had to correspond in its grandeur to the Roman Cathedral of St. Peter. The architect Voronikhin, who was in charge of the project, was awarded the Order of Anna.

Kazan Cathedral is the embodiment of the most significant events in Russian history. A prayer service was held under its dome before Kutuzov's departure to the battlefield. Here, in the crypt of the cathedral, the remains of the great commander are buried, his statue is installed and there are war trophies. A commemorative sculpture crowns the memory of Barclay de Tolly. The main shrine of the temple is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, returned to its original place after perestroika.

A stunning sight is the majestic semicircular colonnade of 96 columns 13 m high in the central part of the building. In front of the temple there are monumental sculptures of legendary personalities: A. Nevsky, Andrew the First-Called, Prince Vladimir and John the Baptist. The interiors delight with the beauty of the luxurious decoration, the artistic perfection of the icons by the famous painters of Russia.

Field of Mars

Another main symbol - Champ de Mars is located in the city center. The park complex is a favorite place of leisure for the townspeople at any time of the year. Here and in December it is as beautiful as in the warm season. And here, too, the dramatic events of Russian history were embodied. The central memorial-necropolis "Heroes-fighters for the freedom of Russia" is dedicated to them.

Several dozen people are buried in its space. The Eternal Flame was lit for the first time in the USSR on the Field of Mars, named after the god of war Mars. In the era of Catherine I, the square was called Tsaritsin's meadow, since her palace was located nearby. By order of the Empress, the territory was ennobled, beautiful lawns were decorated, alleys and fountains were equipped. Later, military exercises and parades were held here.

In pre-Petrine times, there was a swamp in this place, which was drained under it, a breakthrough of the 2nd channel. One of them has survived to this day as the "Swan Canal". People come here for a walk, go in for sports, jog, pay their debt to the memory of the victims of the February Revolution and the Civil War.


A religious object atypical for Russian reality - the Church of St. Anne will interest you with its originality. The elongated building with front facades with Ionic columns and an elegant dome was built in 1775-79 instead of the former adobe church. Lutheran Germans held meetings and services here.

After the revolution, the building changed its purpose: it housed the "Spartak" cinema. In the 90s, Sunday services began to be held in the church, and films were shown on the rest of the days.
An attempt by the Erato company to organize a nightclub in the church was thwarted by the city government.

And soon thereafter, a fire broke out inside, spoiling the interiors of the church. In 2002, the Annenkirche was given the status of a historical monument of federal significance. Today, services and Bible classes for Lutherans are held here (Sunday-Wednesday). In the following days, anyone can come here and see the unusual interiors.

Nevsky Avenue

A stay in the northern capital cannot be imagined without walking along the most important street, where each building is a historical monument, a legend. The Nevsky Prospect, described dozens of times by Russian classics, has managed to preserve its architectural appearance in its original form. And if Gogol had been resurrected, he would have been able to see the Literary Cafe.

A living history will appear in front of your eyes throughout the walk. There are practically no remakes among the buildings, and this is wonderful. Palace Square will open in all its glory, the Stroganov Palace will delight you with its beauty. You will not pass by the famous "Passage". You will see the Literary Cafe, which was visited by Alexander Pushkin, and feel the living breath of history.

Marvel at the Singer House topped by a glass dome with a globe. It is impossible not to stop at the Kazan Cathedral, with its majestic colonnade. You will go to Gostiny Dvor, the famous Eliseevsky store. Admire the winter view of the Catherine Square, the grandeur of the Alexandria Theater and the famous sculptures of Klodt on the Anichkov Bridge.


A visit to local theaters will surely embellish your trip. And there are more than 100 of them here, and each theatrical collective has its own unique specifics. You will find the most suitable production option for yourself, from drama to vaudeville or buffoonery. It all depends on your taste.

Love classic drama or comedy - the famous BDT named after. Tovstonogov is at your service. And how not to visit the performance in the oldest Alexandrinsky Theater, where the leading figures of the dramatic art Meyerhold and Kozintsev served? It is a great success to see the magnificent hall of the Mariinsky Theater, to watch a ballet or an opera!

A visit to the Mikhailovsky Theater on Sq. Arts, with a rich artistic history. The renowned Lensovet Theater will also not disappoint with its repertoire and art of performance. The Youth Theater, which grew up under the wing of Lensovet, is very popular today. A visit to the Musical Comedy Theater, which will admire the skill and talent of the artists, will be a real holiday.

Vacation with children

A trip with children will turn into a fairy tale for them. Especially if it is on New Year's Eve. In addition to their acquaintance with wonderful architectural monuments, enchanting performances in theaters await children. Many of them will host musical performances based on famous fairy tales. Unforgettable will be the fantastic spectacle "Ball of Fairy Tales", which will take place in the Great Concert Hall "October". The ballet performance combines fragments from the best productions.

Your children will be delighted with visiting the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic. There they will see the northern lights, delve into the secrets of eternal ice, and get acquainted with the history of their research. At the Christmas market (December 20th to December 31st) surprises await the kids. A lot of interesting things will open for them in the Museum of Toys, Dolls, in the Museum Complex "Universe" and in many others. Your children will get pleasure from visiting one of the skating rinks. This trip will be remembered for a lifetime.


It is impossible to see all the beauties of the Venice of the North on your own, so tourists are offered more than 200 types of various excursions: group, individual, walking, bus, sightseeing. The whole travel industry strives to make the leisure of tourists rich, bright and interesting. As a first acquaintance with the city, you can choose, for example, a sightseeing bus tour. There are many options for such voyages, from 1.5 to 24 hours. You can walk along the Nevsky and its environs on your own.

All the most significant objects, famous sights, legendary places are included in the excursion programs. Trips to the suburbs of St. Petersburg are offered: Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Vyborg, Kronstadt, etc. There are also chamber walks in the authentic corners of the most European city of Russia. It all depends on your desire, choice and financial capabilities.

The cost of travel

We present to you the calculation of the approximate cost of a tour from Moscow to St. Petersburg in December. If you decide to fly by plane (flight time is 1 hour 15), a one-way ticket will cost a little less than 2,000 rubles on average. depending on the carrier. An 8-hour trip by train in a reserved seat will cost 1,300 rubles, in a compartment - 3,800 rubles. Tickets can be ordered online. It is worth looking for the lucrative tours offered by full-service travel agencies.

Among a solid number of hotels of various categories, you can choose the most suitable accommodation option. On average, a budget hotel 3 * costs from 3,500 rubles, for a 4 * you will pay from 4,000 rubles. per day. The closer to the city center, the more expensive accommodation is. But then there will be no costs for public transport.The total cost of a trip for 3-5 days will be approximately from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. The impressions gained in the city-museum will pay off your expenses.


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