Nizhny Novgorod in December


The amazing old city, located along the banks of the Oka, has embodied several eras and cultures in its space. It has preserved the traditions of the Russian merchants, captured in architectural monuments. It was in the homeland of Nizhny Novgorod merchants that the famous fair was held annually. Ancient monasteries and estates are visually reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Against this background, the latest technologies, culture, modern art, directed to the future, are developing here. The picturesque panorama of the city captivates even sophisticated tourists. Nizhny Novgorod in December will give you a lot of the most positive emotions and impressions.


December in Nizhny Novgorod is the beginning of winter entertainment for citizens of all ages. Active movement begins on the flooded skating rinks, artificial slides. Ski routes come to life, along with grandchildren, grandmothers and grandfathers start skiing. The weather in December 2020 will contribute to this. Already, there are frosts here, so far without snow.

In the 2nd decade of the month, when the temperature rises, snowfalls will begin. A real Russian winter will set in, trees, buildings and streets will sparkle with snow sparkles. The last decade of the month promises to be truly winter. The good news is that there will be no dank slush. Meteorologists do not promise strong winds, weak breezes will not cause discomfort.

You can safely take short walks in parks, sightseeing. The alternation of winter outdoor activities with visits to warm establishments will keep you warm. There will be an opportunity to warm up with hot tea in one of the city cafes.

Is it cold in December

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether it is cold in Nizhny Novgorod in December. We will try to present a more complete picture of the December cold based on the data of meteorological forecasts. Frosts in the daytime -5 ° С, at night -10 ° С, and sometimes up to -13 ° С were established here from the first days of December. As long as the sun is shining, there are no clouds, but from December 10, temperatures will rise slightly, the sky will be covered with clouds. The air temperature during the day will average from -4 ° -6 ° С, at night from -10 ° to -12 ° С.

On December 13-14, precipitation in the form of light snow is expected. But thaws with rains or sleet are not expected, ice is not threatened. In general, the second decade (December 10-20) will please with rather comfortable weather, with partly cloudy skies.

The 10-day pre-New Year day promises to be frosty: from the 18th it is expected in the daytime to -15 ° С, at night - to -24 ° С. The frost will be especially zealous in the last 5 days before the New Year. But in the absence of wind, -20 in the daytime will not seem very harsh. The same indicators are predicted on New Year's Eve.

What to watch

The homeland of the legendary Kozma Minin is rich in interesting sights, cultural and historical monuments. Their inspection will be a great addition to your leisure time in Nizhny. The object of tourist pilgrimage - the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin takes the 1st place in terms of the number of visits. December is no exception - guests of the city come to see its "historical heart" in any season.

From here, Nizhny Novgorod began to develop and expand, therefore in its vicinity there are many ancient buildings - architectural monuments. The square named after the liberators Minin and Pozharsky with the monuments to Kozma Minin and Valery Chkalov is nice. It houses the Palace of Labor and the Exhibition Pavilion. It is worth visiting the National Unity Square, where a monument to the defenders of the country from the Poles is also erected.

The luxurious Fair Palace admires with its bright beauty and intricate architecture. Since 2017, it has hosted a multimedia exhibition dedicated to the history of Russia. In the second half of December, New Year trees are placed in front of it. In the evening, everything around is illuminated with bright illumination, turning the space into a fairy tale.

A walk along the local Arbat - Pokrovskaya Street, where almost every building is a historical monument, will give you pleasure. Many original sculptures will not go unnoticed. The facades, the bell tower of the Annunciation Monastery in red and white tones, whose domes are a work of art, will amaze you with their irresistible beauty. The Rukavishnikov Estate, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and other wonderful architectural creations will impress you.

Vacation with children

A trip with a child to Nizhny Novgorod is a truly wonderful gift for the New Year. For your child, a stay in a city of special historical value will become a visual immersion in the past. Inspection of the Kremlin, Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk and Alexander Nevsky Cathedrals will "transfer" young tourists into a Russian fairy tale.

Children will be interested in the richest exhibition of military equipment, where tanks and other weapons are presented. An excursion to the factory of Christmas-tree decorations "Ariel" will be fascinating, where you can, in addition to finished Christmas-tree decorations, see the process of their manufacture. They will also enjoy visiting the local Planetarium.

An unforgettable experience for children will be a visit to the winter zoo "Limpopo", where in December there is a season of reduced prices. A walk through the "Amusing Village" will be pleasant. Teenagers will enjoy visiting the Quarki Museum of Entertaining Technologies. Walking along Rozhdestvenskaya Street, children will admire the old mansions, the churches of the Cathedral of the Virgin and the Nativity of John the Baptist.

Well, how not to go to one of the skating rinks, enjoy skating or learn this skill? In the parks, you can ride with the breeze on a sled from the mountain. Climbing the Chkalovskaya stairs to the observation platform will be a good sports workout. An irresistible panorama of the wonderful city opens from there.


Interest in the ancient city is growing every year: thousands of Russian and foreign tourists strive to see the unique monuments of antiquity. The Nizhny Novgorod tourism industry is developing, excursion routes are being developed. It offers walking, bus, combined, sightseeing, thematic, individual and group, author's excursions.

Any of them can be booked online by paying 20% ​​of the cost. When ordering, you can find out all the details of the upcoming excursion, ask your questions. If you want to see all the most important sights at once, take advantage of the offer "Autotravel to the main places" or "Embrace the immensity." A comfortable bus will take you to the objects, the guide will reveal all their secrets.

Lovers of winter walks are offered many exciting hiking excursions, both individual and group. For 2.5 hours you can get to know the historical complex by taking part in the walk “Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin st. Christmas ". The individual voyage "Nizhny Novgorod through the ages" will allow you to enjoy the irresistible views of the winter city.

Becoming a participant in the hiking trip "Old Canavino", you will learn the details of the 100-year history of the Nizhny Novgorod fair. A group trip "From Nizhny Novgorod to Arzamas and Diveevo" will acquaint you with the holy places of the region. Get a thrill on the Wild Nizhny walking tour, which opens up amazing corners within the city. The choice of excursions is rich - for every taste and budget.

New Year

If you are planning to celebrate the New Year in Nizhny Novgorod, it will be an unforgettable event, bright and spectacular. The unique flavor of the ancient city, complemented by the charms of the Russian winter and the magic of illumination, will be an excellent background for the celebration. The main events will take place on pl. Minin and Pozharsky, near a luxurious Christmas tree, sparkling with colorful lights.

Traditionally, 100 fir trees are erected throughout the entire city space, around which festivities are organized.A concert stage for the performances of local art groups will be built near the Chkalovskaya Stairs. In other squares, music will also sound, round dances, competitions and games will be organized. Festivities will take place on Rozhdestvenskaya and Bolshaya Pokrovskaya streets.

New Year's discos are held in parks and theaters. Ice shows with dancing are held at the Trud stadium. There will be an opportunity to take pictures with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, take part in comic competitions. And after being on the street, the continuation of the holiday will be a delicious dinner in one of the cafes or restaurants in a cozy atmosphere.

If you wish, you can celebrate the New Year as part of a group in a rented party-bass bus, driving around the city and making stops at various facilities.

The cost of travel

The distance from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod is 442 km. Every day 17 trains leave from the capital's stations, both direct and passing ones. Among them are high-speed trains with direct destination Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - "Strizh", "Sapsan" and "Lastochka".

You can order a ticket in advance electronically, for example, a month in advance. The closer to the departure date, the higher the ticket price. The minimum cost of a train ticket in a seated carriage is from 623 rubles, in a reserved seat - from 1 185 rubles, in a compartment - from 1 305 rubles, in a SV - from 3 237 rubles. The maximum price in a luxury carriage is from 8,756 rubles.

Check the cost of train tickets online

The item of your expenses will include the cost of living in Nizhny Novgorod hotels. The city offers many places for accommodation: in 3-4 star hotels, mini-hotels, guest houses, hostels. The price per night of stay varies from 600 rubles. (hostel) up to 3135 rubles. (4-star hotel), provided that it is located 1.5-4 km from the center.

The cost of excursions depends on their type and duration. For a group voyage, you need to pay from 600 rubles, individual excursions will cost from 1.5-2 thousand rubles. A visit to one museum will amount to an average of 200 rubles.

Reviews of tourists

Analysis of reviews shows that staying in the ancient city leaves only positive emotions. Guests like the old sights of the historical center: the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, cathedrals, the beauty of which is "breathtaking". Many are delighted with Rozhdestvenskaya Street, with its architectural monuments.

Tourists are impressed by the scale of the restoration work, although because of this it is not possible to see the "planned objects". They leave flattering reviews about the Nizhny Novgorod Arbat - Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street and, in general, about the beauty of the city. Hotels in Nizhny deserve no less commendable reviews.

Cleanliness and comfort, excellent cleaning, delicious breakfasts, warm welcome with a rating of "5" (Azimut, Kulibin Park-Hotel, Marisabel, Alexandrovsky Garden) are noted. Tourists have a good opinion about the rooms of the hotel "Sparrow", "Chaika" and others. The comments of travelers reflect admiration for the beauty of river landscapes, the embankment, and the design of parks.


Anyone who is interested and dear to the history of Russia, its distant past and present, should definitely visit Nizhny Novgorod. The names of Dmitry Donskoy, Theophanes the Greek, Kozma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky are associated with him. Here were born the creator of the "Mighty Handful" MA Balakirev, the "storm petrel of the revolution" M. Gorky, the chemical scientist NI Lobachevsky, the aviator P. Nesterov.

A trip to the New Year's Eve city in the Volga region will become a bright event in your life. Many foreigners come here to visit the museum named after the great physicist and public figure Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov. Every day spent here will enrich your knowledge, raise your cultural level, give you spiritual strength and an opportunity to look to the future with optimism.


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