25 best excursions in Kazan


Tiled churches, faded minarets, ancient mosques and a pearl among them - the restored Kul Sharif mosque, the facades of former tenement houses, houses of merchant guilds, luxurious mansions of entrepreneurs and merchants, narrow streets and old avenues - all this must be experienced personally. Kazan Abrat, the ancient Kremlin, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul - everyone knows about these places that are significant for Kazan, but there are hundreds and thousands of them - really bright and picturesque - monuments that adorn the city, which has already crossed its millennium line.

Excursions in Kazan, presented in various formats, tell about the events in the history of the city that ultimately made it the way it can be seen now - bright, unusual, but unusually friendly. We offer an overview of the best guided group and individual programs.

Why you should love Kazan

The city is a unique place - the point of contact between East and West, the concentration of a unique and colorful culture. It is the issue of cultural and historical contact that is central to this excursion program.

Guests themselves can choose which route to follow, and this, accordingly, depends on which attractions will be included in the program. The obvious advantage of this excursion is not just a talented guide, but a guide who is a native of the city and a historian by profession.

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are the subject of his study, and therefore there is no doubt about the truth of the information provided by him.

The program is structured to cover the following milestones:

  • the formation of the city as the center of the Kazan Khanate
  • large city within Russia
  • Kazan as part of the Russian Empire
  • Capital of the ASSR

All these milestones will be viewed through the prism of architecture and culture while visiting iconic monuments.

Contrasts of the city on a car tour

This excursion is a sightseeing one. It is designed for a relatively short period of time, but it allows you to get acquainted in colors with two contrasting components of the city - with its pre-revolutionary center and the most striking modern buildings.

Those who choose this particular excursion will have the following locations:

  • The Muslim part of the city, as well as the old mansions of the local nobility. This part of the program also assumes a closer acquaintance with the life of the people of the eighteenth century.
  • Constructions of a religious nature. This will include a visit to the Kremlin with a tour of the Kul-Sharif mosque and the Annunciation Cathedral. Also, guests can get acquainted with the Mother of God Monastery and the buildings that are located on its territory.
  • Modern objects of the city will be represented by iconic architectural and sports ensembles and complexes.

Island-city Sviyazhsk

Sviyazhsk is a picturesque island on the Volga. Sviyazhsk was once called a round mountain because of its unusual shape. Steep cliffs are buried in the water surface.

A trip to Sviyazhsk allows you to plunge into the history of the Kazan Territory, enjoy the outstanding architectural monuments of the sixteenth century. The excursion program includes a visit to iconic buildings that are located on the island. A separate item is visiting religious buildings, which are concentrated in Sviyazhsk. No wonder it is called the pearl of the Orthodox world.

Guests of Sviyazhsk can learn a little more about how the city of the same name was built, how it changed over time - from simple buildings that were built without a single nail to white-stone buildings that were crowned with domes.

Russian antiquity, the life of past centuries - here you can not only enjoy the vivid landscapes, but also really find peace of mind. True, this peace of mind is shattered to smithereens when from under the image of the Buyan island suddenly appear bloody and today scars - once it was here that the GULAG prisoners were exiled.

All the most important in 2 hours

Two hours will not be enough to really fully tell about the poetry in kamka that Kazan represents, but this time is quite enough to get to know the city and begin to feel its pulsation more clearly.

The city is always welcoming, and tourist Kazan always looks like a seething cauldron. Historical Kazan will be in the focus of the story of the guide, who is a local resident and will gladly share not only the classic historical facts that can be gleaned from any textbook, but also city legends.

You can get answers to any question, as well as get acquainted with the recommendations that will allow you to more rationally distribute the remaining time in the city. The guide will share with you information about where the best observation decks of the capital are located, and where you should look to try the Tatar national cuisine.

Dialogue about architecture, religion and prominent figures of the city

Historical, religious and architectural heritage is the focus of this tour. The guide will tell you about that bizarre combination that appeared due to the proximity of two worlds - East and West.

Cultural interaction, as well as Islam and Christianity - these are the main points of contact, which are more vividly manifested precisely in the space provided by Kazan.

Within the framework of this excursion, guests can visit Bauman Street, where the highest bell tower is located; the university corner of the notorious Imperial University, where outstanding representatives of various professions studied and worked in different names; front Kremlin street with iconic mansions and houses of wealthy merchants; one of the most famous cathedrals named after Peter and Paul, as well as the Kremlin, in which, in fact, the real Kazan was born.

Having become acquainted with the city in this format, the tourist will be able to more fully immerse himself in the cultural space of the city and in its flavor.

Who are the Tatars

In the center of this excursion is the Old Tatar settlement, which was the center of the life and culture of the Tatars, who are the indigenous inhabitants of this region. Guests of the Old Tatar settlement can learn a little more about the occupations, culture, education, and also the faith of the Tatars.

By itself, this settlement is a rather atmospheric place: small wooden houses of different colors, old mosques, antique shops. During the excursion, the guide will dwell in more detail on the architectural originality of the Tatar mosques, their special form - "kazan basmasy".

As part of this part of the excursion, it is possible to visit the oldest mosque in the settlement - Mardzhani. The Sennobazarna square will also be on the list of must-see sites. Various components of the life of the Tatars are represented here: printers, entrepreneurs and merchants flocked here.

This program will be interesting not only from the cultural, but also from the human side, since Islam, in its original concept, is not a religion of terror and has nothing to do with violent acts.

Evening Kazan: Bus Tour

A short two-hour tour will be a good choice for those who did not manage to get too tired during a day of active exploration of the city. However, tired romantics are also guaranteed not to abandon the program, which will allow you to see a city not armed with the charm of a twenty-first century metropolis.

Do you know anything about how the lighting of the streets of this gigantic city took place before the availability of electricity became the norm? Not? Well, such a chance should not be missed.

The reputation of the city of "glass and concrete" will instantly be covered with cracks, revealing a completely different - more peaceful and fabulous - appearance of Kazan. During the trip, you will see the main sights of the capital, which are illuminated by original lighting at night.

The bus will also make a number of stops so that you can enjoy panoramic views of the city and take really colorful pictures.

A day with a local: history, food and cool courtyards

Detailed historical information and study of maps of the area will not give a real idea of ​​what the real Kazan is like. This requires more than information flow.

It is worth starting your acquaintance with the city in a survey format, but accompanied by a guide who is an indigenous resident of this city and really loves it.

This program will allow you not only to learn a little more about those attractions that flaunt on most advertising brochures, but also about those local attractions that only residents know about. All events significant for the history of the city will be presented not in a dry historiographic key, but through local traditions and legends.

The story of Ivan the Great is intertwined with the legend of the Kazan cat, which for some reason is revered in the former Northern capital of Russia, pouring out into the story of Queen Syuyumbika, who really once lived in the city.

This version of the excursion program has two very significant advantages: a bonus acquaintance with the Tatar national cuisine in its quirkiness and variability, as well as the opportunity to get a small guide, compiled by the guide personally. It contains useful travel notes, schedules and addresses of places worth looking into without leaving a fortune at the entrance.

Cognitive quest "Secrets of the Kazan Arbat"

The stories of the years, even if very talented and enthusiastic, sooner or later begin to get boring. If this happens, you should look for alternative ways of getting to know the brightest places of the city, and getting to know the city in the quest format is an excellent alternative, allowing you to find out the same information, but in an active or even more playful way.

This quest is spatially limited to Bauman Street, which, in its crowdedness, is hardly inferior to the notorious Moscow Arbat.

By solving various puzzles, ciphers and riddles, the tourist will be able to immerse himself in the general ethnocultural canvas of the city and get to know it not from a purely aesthetic or scientific point of view.

All those who choose this excursion are guaranteed to learn a lot of new information, and also get the opportunity to visit the House of Tatar Culinary Arts, where you can taste the most famous dishes of Tatar cuisine. As a rule, such a quest is held in a group.

Care should be taken in advance to ensure that at least one person has access to the Internet.

Quest excursion "Adventure in the Kazan Kremlin"

In the company of a young and energetic guide, acquaintance with the city will turn into a pleasant format of more than active recreation, as there are many monuments to be visited, which simply do not reach those who have chosen other excursions around the city.

During the walk, tourists will receive answers to a number of rather tricky questions. Was Vladimir Lenin really expelled from a Kazan university? Which local park has the most ghosts? How many "trial" attempts did Ivan the Great need to take Kazan? Why did Ivan the Terrible take Kazan, but did not love Peter the Great?

This and much more will become known only after visiting various monuments, museums and parks proper.

Also, tourists who choose this format of acquaintance with the city will be able to take a vivid photo against the background of one of the seven towers, which are called “falling”, taste dishes of real Tatar cuisine, as well as catch luck by the tail, making a wish from the famous “clawed” city dweller ...

Tatar pastry master class

This excursion will be of interest not only to housewives who finally managed to escape to rest, since the focus is on acquaintance with the gastronomic component of the city in its history and traditions. The master class takes place in a Tatar restaurant under the strict guidance of the master chef. You can choose to cook echpochmak or chak-chak, which is better known to tourists.

At the same time, a small lecture will be held, which covers such issues as the traditions and way of life of the Tatars, the unusual cultural elements of their life, the history and variety of types of Tatar cuisine, a little about Tatar etiquette and the history of the local tea ceremony, which most guests do not even suspect. ...

The restaurant is part of the complex, which also houses an authentic Tatar house and a number of museums. Perhaps the most interesting is the museum, which contains an impressive collection of samovars.

The first meeting

Have you recently arrived in the city and want to get a more complete picture of it as quickly as possible? Great, this tour is ideal to fully discover the original beauty of one of the oldest capitals in the world.

A busy journey through the main historical landmarks of the city will take only 2.5 hours. You can enjoy the bright street atmosphere, walk along the ancient stones of Kazan squares, personally find out where and under what circumstances the boiler, which was not even on the fire, managed to boil.

After visiting the treasury of the warlike khans and various cultural structures, the best moment will come to plunge into the church world.

Even if you are not a believer, the architectural originality of many cathedrals, monasteries and churches still functioning today is guaranteed to make a strong impression on you.

Raifa, Sviyazhsk, Ecumenical Temple

This secular sightseeing tour will allow you to get acquainted with the architectural and cultural monuments of the island of Sviyazhsk. In general, 8 hours are allotted for acquaintance.

The creation of the city on the "Round Mountain" is the merit of Ivan the Terrible, who in the middle of the sixteenth century laid the foundation for the construction of the main center of Orthodoxy in the Volga region. Only here there is such a high concentration of various cathedrals, churches and monasteries.

Among the monasteries of the Volga region, the Raif monastery of the seventeenth century undoubtedly stands out. It is located on the shore of the lake.

Its architectural ensemble is one of the most complex, which is not surprising: it took hundreds of years to create it. One more stop will be made during the tour. The Temple of All Religions is a unique structure - its appearance reflects elements of sixteen religious practices, some of which have already disappeared.

Photo walk in the center: the most important thing in 2.5 hours

This format of exploring the city is suitable for those tourists who are limited in time, but still want to get acquainted with the most colorful sights of the central part.

A walk along Bauman Street, also known as Kazansky Arbat, will allow you to feel the atmosphere of underground galleries and unique monuments. After visiting the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, you will find yourself on the street of the majestic passages - Kremlin.

At the end of the two-hour tour, you will visit the Kremlin, on the territory of which there are such objects as the Syuyumbike Tower, the Kul Sharif Mosque, the Annunciation Cathedral, etc. The final walk along the Kremlin embankment will end at the walls of the Farmers' Palace.

As a result, you will replenish your luggage not only with historical facts, but also with professional pictures taken by your guide.

Kazan Kremlin through the centuries

The Kazan Kremlin is the only khan's fortress on the territory of Tatarstan. The object is under the protection of UNESCO. The participants of our excursion will learn how it grew.The residence of the khans and the current president of the republic is worthy of a detailed acquaintance. During the route we will get acquainted with the history of the architectural monument. You will learn about how the Kremlin's face grew and changed.

It is this place that is considered the point of contact of two world religions - Christianity and Islam. Tatarstan is a vivid example of the fact that people of two confessions can peacefully get along with each other for centuries and not enter into conflicts. A lot of the most ancient artifacts have been preserved on the territory of the republic. We will look at them and make sure of the art of the local population.

You will hear the legend about how the Miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was found and why thousands of people rush to the shrine. We will visit the main cathedral mosque and together admire the luxurious decoration of the Islamic shrine. You will discover an amazing fact about why all the crescents in mosques are turned in the same direction.

In addition, you will get acquainted with such significant sights as:

  • Syuyumbike Tower (also hear the most beautiful legend about the queen)
  • Kul Sharif Mosque
  • Mausoleum of Kazan Khans
  • Cathedral of the Annunciation, built by order of Ivan the Terrible

Don't miss the chance to get acquainted with the amazing culture of the Tatarstan people.

First impressions of the third capital

Even Herzen wrote that there are two principles in Kazan - eastern and western. And today we will find out why the great thinker thought so. Our path will go through the most significant places in the city. The excursion will take place by car, so you shouldn't be afraid of weather conditions. We will consider everything in detail.

You will visit the Old Tatar Sloboda - the most beautiful place in the city. We will walk along its streets with colorful houses and get acquainted with the history of this area. See the Ekiyat puppet theater building and see how fancifully it is built.

Famous personalities not only of the republic, but also of the world studied within the walls of Kazan University. The guide will tell you who sat in the classrooms of the oldest university. You will also visit Freedom Square. The Government of Tatarstan is located here. You will get acquainted with the principles of government in the republic. It is they who allow the two confessions to coexist peacefully.

See the main registry office of the republic. It is made in the form of a huge bowl. You will travel the whole city and get acquainted with the most important sights. And if you want to visit the Mother of God Monastery, you can go there too. It is here that the famous Kazan icon of the Mother of God is kept.
We are waiting for you for the most exciting program.

Old Tatar Sloboda: immersion in the original Tatar life

Tatar culture is rich and interesting, if you want to get acquainted with the original traditions of this people, then you should take advantage of our offer. During the program, you will learn a lot of interesting facts about the life of the nationality, customs and mores. It should be noted that the traditions of the Tatars have changed little. They are the most hospitable and cordial people.

In one of the most picturesque places of the city - Old Tatar Sloboda, ancient monuments of architecture have been preserved to the fullest extent. Here you will be able to reproduce the details of the life of the Tatars and get acquainted with the peculiarities of the way of life. At the end of the event, you can enjoy traditional Tatar cuisine and delicious tea brewed in accordance with established traditions.

You will find out why the Sloboda was formed near the most mysterious reservoir of the city - Lake Kaban.
You can look inside a real merchant's house and see how rich Tatars used to equip their dwellings. In addition, you are going to hear interesting facts about polygamy and the wedding traditions of this people.

You will see the oldest mosque in the city. It has been standing for 250 years and still amazes with the greatness of those around it. At the end of the program, those who wish can taste tea in the spirit of Tatar traditions.

Mysterious Kazan after sunset

Kazan at night looks completely different. This is a mysterious and mysterious city that silently keeps its secrets. If you want to immerse yourself in an unforgettable mysterious atmosphere, then this is the walk for you. To begin with, you will stop at the beautiful building of the Ekiyat puppet theater. Enjoy the extraordinary view of this building. A fairytale castle with weathercocks and turrets, twisted columns and stained-glass windows will remind you of a picture from a book of fairy tales. There is also a figure of the Little Prince - the hero of S. Exupery.

The guide will tell you what secret the walls of this unusual building keep. Then you will stroll through the stylized village "Tugan Avalym" and go to the oldest district of the city - Staro-Tatar Sloboda. Here you will be able to enjoy the local flavor and be imbued with the culture of the Tatars. After that, you will visit an eerie and mysterious place - Lake Kaban. The guide will tell you what secrets are hidden in its waters.

You will see the sights located on the main Freedom Square and find out why the president of the republic takes a panoramic photo of the city every morning. At the end of the program, you will get acquainted with the modern city and its sights.

Blue Lakes - a picturesque corner in the vicinity of Kazan

If this is not your first time in the city and are familiar with the main attractions, it's time to move on to exploring the surroundings. Blue Lakes - a protected area. This is a unique reservoir. It never freezes and on our walk you will find out why. The water is always warm here. Even in winter, the temperature does not drop below +5 degrees.

You will learn why fish are not found here, and clay is considered medicinal. Those who wish can swim, and daredevils try to swim across an unusual reservoir. Then there will be a tea party in the fresh air and a walk in the woods. Rare plants grow here. Many of them are listed in the Red Book. The picturesque corner will impress both children and adults.

In addition, a fascinating legend about the unhappy love of the khan awaits you. This walk is perfect for those who want to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Symbols of the city and the Temple of All Religions

The two-hour program will allow you to get acquainted with the cult sights of the capital of Tatarstan, as well as see the most unusual shrine in the world - the Temple of All Religions. The participants will have a trip to the picturesque village of Tugan Avylym. Here we will get acquainted with the life, culture and traditions of the people, hear interesting details about the way of life and see how the ancient Tatars lived.

You will also learn the history of the construction of the most beautiful theater - "Ekiyat". The building looks like an animated picture from a fairy tale book. Explore the Palace of Farmers and admire the Kazan Kremlin, the symbol of the city.

You will visit the oldest building of the Kazan University. He has produced many renowned scientists who are known throughout the world. Then you will get acquainted with the masterpiece of modern architecture - the Temple of All Religions. You will find out what the author of the project wanted to say with his creation, what concept he supports.

In addition, visit the main sights of the capital: Freedom Square, Admiralteyskaya Sloboda, the Millennium Bridge, erected in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the city.

You will also hear an amazing legend about how the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God was found, about where it is located and what miracles are attributed to the shrine.

Group excursion-quest in the Kremlin "The Tale of the Kazan Cat"

The Kremlin is a symbol of the city. It is still not fully understood and keeps a lot of secrets within its walls. If you want to touch the historical mysteries and visit places where tourists have never gone before, you will like our offer. And legendary heroes - the Kazan Cat and his comrades - will help us explore the oldest fortress.

This is an unusual program. There will be no place for known historical facts. We have to look at the Kremlin from a completely different angle.You will learn how it happened that the Cat suddenly became a nobleman, how the nicknames Barsik and Murzik appeared, what secrets lie within the walls of the Kremlin.

Also get answers to questions about the underground passages of the fortress. You will see the falling tower built in honor of the Khan's queen, hear the sad story of her love and visit the observation deck. But the event will not be limited to the story of the guide, you will receive interesting tasks and rewards.

You will try to shoot from a real bow and demonstrate your fighting skills. To complete all the tasks, you will have to solve the riddles of the oldest sage and go through the ritual of purification. All participants will receive a solemn reward.

The main symbols of the city and the island of Sviyazhsk in one day

Kazan and the island of Sviyazhsk are considered the keepers of the history of Tatarstan. We will have a fascinating acquaintance with the cult sights of these places. The rich program will not let you get bored and will introduce you to the main symbols of the capital. The journey will begin from the Old Tatar Sloboda. This oldest corner of Kazan is called an example of Tatar culture. A lot of ancient monuments, including a mosque, have been preserved here. This is a significant place for the Tatar people, and you will find out why.

In addition, few people realize that secrets and mysteries are kept in the dark waters of Lake Kaban. We will find out what secrets the reservoir hides. The program includes a visit to the Mother of God Monastery. It is here that the main Orthodox shrine is kept - the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. You will learn how she was acquired and what miracles are attributed to her.

You will visit the University campus and Freedom Square, see the Government House and take a look at the oldest mosque Kul Sharif. Then there is a trip to the unique island of Sviyazhsk. It is included in the UNESCO list. The island is famous for its unique church. It was built in just one day. Not a single nail was used during its construction.

Ivan the Terrible himself came to the island to pray before the miraculous icons. You will visit the church, which the great sovereign loved to visit.

Kazan by car with a panoramic roof

The third capital of Russia is always glad to see guests. There are a lot of historical monuments, interesting places and original buildings that are famous all over the world. All this is to be seen on a sightseeing trip in a car with a panoramic roof.

Drive through the city and explore the iconic landmarks. Black Lake Park, its magical Arch of Love, singing fountains and the mysterious Kaban Lake are far from all the places that we will see.

The program includes a visit to the most picturesque corner of the capital - Old Tatar Sloboda. Here once lived industrialists and clergy - the richest people in the city. Architectural monuments - mosques and merchant houses - have survived since that time.

You will walk through the oldest khan's fortress - the Kazan Kremlin. You will learn how the appearance of the symbol of the republic has changed over time, hear amazing stories about the khans and rulers who once inhabited it. You will also visit the Temple of All Religions. This amazing masterpiece of architecture has gained worldwide fame.

You will be able to visit the unique island town of Sviyazhsk. Ivan the Terrible himself had a hand in its foundation. This is the focus of Orthodox churches and temples. See Innopolis. This is the first city on the territory of the Russian Federation built for IT specialists.

Enjoy the flavor of Tatar life by visiting Tugan Avylym. And at the end of the program, visit the monasteries, which are attended by pilgrims from all over the world. You will be able to get out of the car to take memorable pictures and capture the best moments of the excursion. We are waiting for you and your friends.

Innopolis, city of Sviyazhsk, Raifsky monastery and the Temple of all religions

Tatarstan is proud of the places you are about to see. These monuments are the property of the nation. You are given a unique opportunity to see significant sights on one excursion program.

Innopolis is an unusual city. It was created so that IT specialists live and work here. It is the youngest city in Russia. In addition, the first IT university in the Russian Federation functions here. The zone is fully equipped. Residents feel comfortable and at ease.

The island city of Sviyazhsk was founded thanks to the efforts of Ivan the Terrible. The great sovereign visited him to spend time in prayer. The oldest temples are concentrated here. One of them became famous for being built without a single nail in just a day. How this was done has not yet been established, although different versions are being put forward.

The territory of the Raifa Monastery is full of secrets and mysteries. Even frogs don't croak here, and you'll find out why. Hear the history of the founding of the holy monastery and see the smallest church in Europe. And the walk will end with an acquaintance with an amazing masterpiece of architecture - the Temple of All Religions. The author of the project brought together 16 religions under one roof. You will find out what idea the architect embodied when he decided to build an unusual shrine.

To Bolgar by bus - Northern Mecca

There is an amazing place in Tatarstan - Bolgar. Once the capital of the Golden Horde was located here. Many years have passed since then. But since that time, amazing architectural monuments have survived. You will see the Cathedral Mosque. There is a popular belief among tourists that if you walk around the main pillar three times, your most cherished wish will come true.

You will visit the khan's tombs and try to translate the inscriptions on the tombstones. You will find out why the khans were never buried in the Khan's tomb. Visit the Black Chamber. It was from here that the golden-haired Altinchech jumped so as not to fall into the hands of the unloved.

You will also drive to the amazingly beautiful White Mosque. It resembles the Taj Mahal. In addition, there will be a unique opportunity to see the world's largest Koran. The luxurious edition is striking in its magnificence. Turning one page requires the help of 4 people.

If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of oriental fairy tales, touch the secrets of the Golden Horde and see unique artifacts, you should definitely pay attention to this offer. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the sacred land, where, according to legend, Islam was adopted.


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