Ross Castle in Ireland


In the southwest of warlike and freedom-loving Ireland, there is a National Park with a large number of lakes created by nature itself. The melting of glaciers from the mountain peaks has led to the emergence of a huge park with a length of 10,000 square meters. km. The park included a myriad of rare forests, garden plantings, and at one time I can be recognized as a monument under the protection of the world organization of UNESCO.

Interesting facts about Ireland in our article.

The famous lakes of Killarney Park

Killarney Park is replete with a variety of wildlife, where you can always find deer, badgers, martens and squirrels. As mentioned above, the main attraction of this incredibly beautiful park is the lakes created by nature itself. The residents of the nearby settlement gave them their names - Loch Lane, Macross Middle and Upper.

One of the greatest bodies of water surrounded by the mountain slopes of Tork, Carantuill and Mangerton is Loch Lane. Along this lake there are plantations of coniferous and relict forests, which have an ancient history of origin. Ross Castle is one of the main attractions in Killarney National Park.

Castle history

The castle-fortress is a significant landmark of the 15th century building. It was built by the leader of the Kerry clan O'Donoghues Mor (Ross). However, the castle did not serve the family for long, since after some time it was given over to the Valentine Browne. The fortress was constantly changing hands.

Since during the bloody struggle with the British, led by Oliver Cromwell, the castle managed to withstand and be an impregnable fortress, it was transferred to the use of the family of Valentine Brown. However, this fact of the stay of the castle at the disposal of the Brian family was not long, since in the 17th century it passed into the possession of the soldiers and was used as their temporary residence.

The castle housed barracks and various auxiliary rooms for storing weapons and preparing food. The fortress had a difficult historically important fate, in this regard, the Irish began to consider the castle a symbol for the struggle and independence of the freedom-loving people of Ireland. Based on the fact that the building was attacked by the British so many times, and more than once the castle saved the lives of the Irish, there are many beliefs and legends around it.

One of them can tell us about the mysterious story of the capture of the fortress. Among themselves, the Irish said that this structure can be captured only after the silhouette of a warship appears on the horizon of the lake. This belief or prediction, as many called it, had a significant historical role, since at one point in the 17th century a large ship appeared on the Laune River, filled to the brim with heavy artillery, and this, in turn, entailed the capture of the fortress.

Castle outside and inside

Ross Castle is a characteristic medieval building that includes powerful, sturdy and massive walls. Round observation towers are built around the perimeter of the entire castle, and in the center of the entire fortress there is a tower that covers a wide outlook on the park around the building. The building is very characteristic of the spirit of the time when the Irish leaders erected their own palaces to live and protect their kind.

The interior of the castle is still equipped with heavy and massive furniture from the 16th and 17th centuries. As echoes of past Irish battles, the castle is equipped with a large number of weapon rooms and specific places that today attract a huge number of tourists. Speaking of the castle, it is worth considering its structure and the arrangement of the rooms, which, moreover, are filled with all sorts of legends.

From time immemorial, the lower rooms of the castle were used as storage rooms, in which ammunition and food warehouses were carefully guarded. Gradually moving to the second floor, visitors to the castle will observe unfavorable conditions for the life of guards and service personnel. Narrow rooms, covered with thatched floors - all this suggests that there was no furniture or any conditions on this floor. This was followed by cooking rooms and dining rooms for service personnel. The fourth floor included the bedchambers for the owners of the castle, they, of course, were more favorably equipped, but the richness of the furniture was also not characterized.

Practicality and massiveness are the main aspects of choosing a furniture set of that time. Reaching the fifth floor, you can see the beauty and originality typical of the 15th century building. The hall, as the main entertainment room for the owners and guests of the castle, was not only spacious and solid, but also very well thought out. The floor in this room was stone, which, in turn, guaranteed the safety of residents and guests in the event of a fire.

If there was a need to hide from the castle, then this floor was also an emergency exit, which was used for escape or emergency evacuation. The entire castle is connected by one huge serpentine staircase that connects all 5 floors and towers. Being in this place, you can feel a draft or breeze between the opening doors, because, as you know, all the castles of that time keep the secrets of medieval dramas or they can inform about the secrets of the family.

Legends of the ancient Ross castle

Ross Castle is located in a very picturesque place, and the park, located along the perimeter of the fortress, is striking in its beauty and uniqueness. The Irish are a very militant and freedom-loving people who have fought for their sovereignty and independence of thought for many centuries. Each fortress has its own legend and mystery, which residents of nearby villages honor and tell their grandchildren. So, for example, Ross Castle has a legend telling about the mysterious disappearance of Earl O'Donahue from the castle fortress from its highest point.

As the story goes, an unknown force pulled the clan representative with all his furniture and beloved horse right out of the window. He flew on horseback for a certain distance, and then disappeared into the depths of Loch Lane. To this day, he watches and controls everything that happens around his fortress, as if waiting for his power to be needed again.

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We will not be able to observe all the luxury and well-being of the count's bedchamber under the waters of the lake, but the Irish believe that the great warrior does not sleep, but protects the peace and peace of his settlers. The territory of the fortress also has a very interesting landscape, on the one hand, warlike, and on the other, full of beauty and originality of natural wealth. When visiting this corner of history, it is worth stocking up on warm clothes and a mood for learning about history. Feel the chilling chill, walk around the castle's surroundings - this is what will allow you to get closer and feel a piece of antiquity.

Another interesting place in Ireland is the Path of the Giants.


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